Photos from Liverpool Meeting

Alice's photos of the Liverpool meeting and workshops and 'other stuff' - click this link

Liverpool Meeting

Chic and Ethic meeting Liverpool Jan 2011

Grundtvig Chic and Ethic meeting and workshop visit

held in Liverpool, UK, 20th – 23rd January 2011


Issues around usability of the web site

The sites poor functionality has resulted in it not being used by the partners and the designers – it needs simplifying so that all feel that they can use it

The site should promote the project and it doesn’t, at the moment there are irrelevent material on the page and it doesn’t describe accurately the project and the project partners.

The site needs to be in the other languages of the partnership for dissemination within the partners countries.

It was recommended that to improve communication that the site has links to the Facebook pages that now exist and that each country should create a FB that can be linked.

The designers should be added to the PBworks wiki as this is a valuable tool for the managing of the project and it is used. Beccy is prepared coordinate this.

Final Show/exhibition in Bucharest

The group came up with a list of questions:

  • How long is the exhibition going to on for and how many working days in total for the final meeting in Bucharest?

  • Availability of models, how do we ensure the right number and the right size for the garments?

  • Is the location for the event confirmed, can we have more details of the space etc?

  • What equipment will be available for use (data projectors for example)?

  • Who will be attending, what will the audience be and where will the event be marketed?

  • What is the target number of attendees?

A press release needs to be produced well in advance of the event.

Could a list be circulated asap for partners to complete as to their individual needs in terms of equipment etc – before the end of Feb2011

Event needs to be well promoted on the web site so that the countries of the partnership have access to photographs, documents etc.


A brochure has to be produced. Can the draft text be done by the 18th Feb2 2011 in English for the partners to translate into their own languages? This to be completed by the end of Feb 2011.

The brochure to be appropriately designed and will include details of the project and the partners.

Feedback from the Liverpool meeting

What will be the results?...concerns about the final event”

More creative workshops please”

Great weekend – meetings were not useful because Romania wasn’t present and discussions for the final event could not take place”

Lots of ideas from the workshop but not many finished shoes!”

Lots of inspiration…”

Encourage everyone to log onto the web site and use it”

Great hospitality”

Good that people (in the UK) have travelled so far to be in Liverpool”

Good how people have worked together and shows how people from very different countries can work together”

Lots of familiar faces….good conversations and other peoples skills, lots to feedback to the coordinator”

Working together and the workshops are the most important aspects”

The international aspects are the most important”

The web site will tell the World about the project”

Now I can make shoes!”

There is a need to continue the project”

Looking forward to the meeting in Bucharest”

Workshops good for ideas”

The future for Chic & Ethic

Partners expressed the opinion that as we had such a good partnership that we should look to the future. We should be considering now how we take the project forward. We should consider future initiatives to develop this project and advance it.

  • A Leonardo Transfer of Innovation could be considered

  • Anna Lindh Foundation could provide funds to extend the project to the Mediterranean countries.

Liverpool Meeting of Chic & Ethic



Partners are asked to bring:

-Materials for shoe-making workshop e.g. rubber / natural fibre matting, leather off-cuts or leather alternatives.

-Warm/waterproof clothing and footwear for outdoors

-Working clothes to wear at workshops

Thursday 20/01/11

Partners arrive

(welcome pack including umbrella and map of the city)

All meetings will be held at the Contemporary Urban Centre (CUC), Greenland Street.

Friday 21/01/11




Breakfast meeting and Introductions – at Ibis


Coffee at the Malmaison hotel and Rickshaw tour of Dock Rd


To CUC - Meeting for all: partners show work, supporting documentation, and ideas for their presentation at the final event.


Light Lunch


Meeting for all: continuation of morning meeting


Tea Break


Shoe-making workshop.


Dinner – Mei Mei Chinese. Did you know Liverpool has the oldest Chinese community in Europe?

Saturday 22/01/11




Breakfast meeting – at Ibis


To CUC - Evaluate previous day, brainstorming further ideas for final show.


Workshops for designers. Either a continuation of Shoe-making from previous day, or making a button bracelet using recyled LP and CD buttons. Opportunity for further discussion amongst coordinators.


Light lunch


Continuation of workshops and discussions


Tea Break


Meeting for all: discussion of final event and work targets


Free time


Dinner- Kimo’s, Moroccan.

Sunday 23/01/11

Partners leave

(Or for those leaving later the option of a walk on the beach at Burbo Bank, Crosby)